Humanitarian Leadership Academy


- Environment in Humanitarian Action - Humanitarian Operations Programme (HOP) Fundamentals - Child Rights and Why They Matter - FIELD Programme - WASH in Epidemics - Child Safeguarding in Coordination of Education and other Clusters - CashCap 5W Monitoring Tool Training - Introduction to Disaster Risk Financing - Crisis Anticipation and Action - Introduction to Mindfulness - SCI Gender Equality eLearning: The Foundations - Child Rights Programming - Safety Planning in Resettlement, Asylum and Integration Settings - Empathic Communication in Resettlement, Asylum and Integration Settings - Suicide Prevention in Resettlement, Asylum and Integration Settings - Psychological First Aid in Resettlement, Asylum and Integration Settings - OCHA Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPFs) - Unlocking Humanitarian Access - Disaster Displacement - Sphere in Practice - How to be a Sphere Champion - Innovation Essentials - Humanitarian Futures and Foresight - Gamification for Humanitarian Learning - Supporting Effective Humanitarian Partnerships - South Sudan - FMD Pro: Financial Management for Development Professionals - Giving and Receiving Feedback - Social Leadership: A Different Approach - Child Protection in Emergencies [Entry Level] - Getting to Zero Emissions with Building Energy Codes - Conflict Sensitive EiE 2.6 - Gender Responsive EiE 24 - Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring - Philippine Volunteer Essentials - Foundations to Combat Labor Trafficking - Providers Share Workshop (PSW) Facilitator Training - TSCP Humanitarian Sector - Unit 5: Inclusive EiE 25 - Safeguarding in EiE (2.3) - Adolescents in Humanitarian Contexts - Child Protection and Education - Introduction to Community Driven Resilience - Early Warning Early Action - Community Based Disaster Risk Management - Cash & Voucher Assistance in EiE (6.4) - MHPSS in & through EiE 4.3 - Participatory Monitoring Evaluation Reflection and Learning - Inclusive Community Based Targeting

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